Friday, August 15, 2008

6th time's a charm...

After 5 failed and frustrating attempts in obtaining our temporary work permits at Zambian immigration, we have finally succeeded...well, we hope. We were told before we came that this process would not be easy. When I went to NZ, all I had to do was drop off my passport and a few documents at the NZ embassy in Ottawa and voila...4 days later I received my visa. Here is totally different. The first time I went by myself and the woman at reception told me I had to go to another office. The second time I went with Heather, Melanie and one of her work colleagues Midlam. The receptionist told us we had to come back when we had enough money, in Kwacha (Zambian currency), even though we had previously been told that we had to pay in US $. We went back the next day, with Midlam again, all our documents, and enough Kwacha, and were told we had to change the wording of one of documents - simply changing the word "visa" to "temporary work permit". So back to our offices again, re-typed the letter with the correct wording and then back to immigration in the afternoon. After putting our documents in the correct order and stapling them in the fashion they required, we were given the okay to pay. Unfortunately we were not told that as of that afternoon they had changed the rules, and everyone had to make payments in the mornings from then on. Grrr! The 5th time the computers were down so we were told to come back in an hour. So finally, the 6th time at immigration, our payments were made and off went our documents and application forms, into the land of the unknown....we will have to go back soon to see if our applications have been approved. Wish us luck!

Work is going well! The other day we took the kids on an outing, to a place called Dream Valley which is basically a large area with a pool and some rocks to climb on. It was nice though! They had lots of fun swimming and hanging out outside the shelter walls and locked gate with which they normally confined to.

On a funny note - saying "now" does not necessarily mean what we would think. For example, we call our taxi driver, asking him if he could come pick us up now. And he'll respond in one of three ways: "now?", "just now?", or "now now?" And depending on when we want him to come, we will answer accordingly. Now means anytime really, no rush. Just now means anytime in the next 30 minutes or so and just now means immediately. It took some time to remember which was which but now (or now now) it's quite entertaining!

Cleaning here is a huge deal. Everyone is cleaning, all the time.
1. There are always clothes on everyone's lines.
2. People are constantly whipping out their shoe shiners at every opportunity!
3. Zambians just love washing their cars
4. Sweeping the street, sidewalks, ditches, and driveways is very common.

If you would like to call me or text message me (which would be really exciting!), my cell is
011 260 97 947 4935. I will text you back, if I dont it's because I didnt get your text. Sometimes the lines are down and messages don't go through. In terms of my address, that will come soon. I dont know my P.O Box.

Hope all is well, wherever you are in the world!


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